Well, that took some time! A lot of time and a lot of work went into
designing that deck, testing it, showing it around, creating and
polishing routines… Thanks to all those who helped and supported me.
There it is, at last!
In over two and a half hours of lecture-like video, I will tell you
the in and outs of that deck, how it works, why it works, how to handle
it, how to use it with maximum impact… You get notes too!
Some of the routines that are described, classics or new ones, include:
- - The mentalist plays a game of poker with a participant and shows
how the tells his opponent can’t help let out give clues as what cards
he holds.
- - A spectator takes the deck and removes any card while the mentalist is looking away or even in another room.
The performer then analyzes the spectator’s personality and
reveal what card his tates and mood made him pick (my favorite!).
- - A participant tries his first experiment in mentalism, by having
another spectator pick a card among a handful. The mentalist helps him
feel what card the spectator is thinking of.
- - Without looking at the hand they dealt themselves, two spectators
exchange one card. Th mentalist helps them feel what card their partner
gave them.
- - A spectator deals a few cards in the audience. The mentalist
concentrates and is able to reveal what cards the spectators are
thinking of.
- - An item is chosen in a catalog (or a word in a book). The mentalist
is able to reveal what item it is the participant is concentrating on.
- - And many others.
- « Charon » , a dream prediction,
- ideas from friends,
- « Out of this Half-Empty Glass » , a real treat from Mat Cult, an OOTW with deep meaning that will touch your spectator’s soul! Really!